Culture Farms


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Black Power Farms

– it starts with the soil.

We’re dedicated to helping our local communities and neighbors eat and live better! We skipped the harmful pesticides and GMOs to provide you with delicious local and all natural fruits and veggies, where we use our natural worm castings and tea as a fertilizer for our produce.

Why do we use Worm Castings?

Worm Castings are the richest natural fertilizer known to humans. Unlike other animal manure and artificial fertilizers that need to be broken down in the soil before the plant can absorb them., the nutrients are easily absorbed by plants. Our castings don’t only stimulate plant growth, they inhibit root disease such as root rot and enhance water retention of your soil.

Our Discovery / What are worm castings?

Worms are vital in the role of farming by spreading enriching nutrients throughout the soil. Their “castings”, or organic waste matter, promote plant growth and overall health without the negative effects of synthetic fertilizers making them one of the most beneficial natural products a grower can use. Worm castings are a sterile, odorless, organic soil conditioner. Worm Castings work extremely well in promoting lush plant growth by providing plants with the nutrients they need, when they need them.

Our Mission / The Missing Piece

Worm Castings are the missing farming miracle to push crops to the next level. Studies show that when added to soil, worm castings increase:

  • Good bacteria
  • Organic matter
  • Concentrated nitrates, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and calcium
  • Copper, zinc, cobalt, borax, iron, carbon and nitrogen
  • pH and percentage base saturation
Worm Castings have “two times more calcium, five times from nitrogen, and seven times more phosphorus and potassium” than regular soil, and unlike chemical fertilizers, worm tea will never burn plant roots, no matter how much is applied.

Grown with Love / Richness in the Black

“Microbial activity in worm castings is 10 to 20 times higher than in soil and organic matter that the worm ingests.” This refers to the powerful combination of good enzymes and bacteria in worm digestive systems that add healthy bacteria, fungi, acinomycetes and protozoa to soil.

(Dr. Clive Edwards of University of Ohio, Jan 2020)